ChiIL Mama's ChiIL Picks List:
Little Miss Ann Saturday at 3pm
& Jeanie B! Sunday at noon
**FLASH GIVEAWAY: WIN 4 Tickets from ChiIL Mama by being the first to leave your name & show preference in the comments section below this post!**

Now the weekend you've all been waiting for is here.
We can think of few better ways to spend your weekend than rockin' out with some of Chicago's best kindie (kids' indie) musicians! We've been fans of Little Miss Ann and Jeanie B! for years and can vouch for their talent.
We love our kindie music series at Beat Kitchen. They have some of the best Bloody Marys in town & full menu & full bar are available (along with booster seats for the waaaay underagers). So, designate a driver and come on out with your family and friends.
Check back with ChiIL Mama like we vote in Chi, IL... early and often. We have photo & video filled features, loads of great reviews and interviews, and lots of weekly giveaways--nationwide toys/games/products and Chicago based music and theatre tickets.
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Congrats to Jodi C--you are our winner for 4 Little Miss Ann Tickets & Follow Me CD. 4 Jeanie B! tickets for THIS Sunday at noon are still up for grabs to the first commenter.