Friday, May 6, 2016

WIN a trip to the world premiere of BAD MOMS by submitting your funniest #BadMomMoment

Brought to you by BAD MOMS 
In theaters July 29th!

Celebrate Mother’s Day with a chance to win a trip to the world premiere of BAD MOMS by submitting your funniest #BadMomMoment.

Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way for sharing this contest with my readers.

Everyone's got 'em, no matter how great you usually are at this mom thing! Here are two of my Bad Mom Moments I've never shared publicly. 

Revolving Baby
When my son was 1, we were staying in the hotel in Alaska where the Iditarod kicks off. He wasn't walking yet so I put him down to take a photo of the picturesque lobby. In the few seconds it took, my son crawled super fast and got pinned in the hotel revolving door! It was automatically rotating and unstoppable, so the front desk woman and I had to push the door hard in reverse to free him. 

Not The Baby Pool
My poor son also went totally under water at Circus Circus in Vegas at age 2, when I mistook a large, 4' deep hot tub for a shallow baby pool and let go of his hand and nodded that he could go in. He trustingly stepped off the edge and disappeared! I'd seen other young kids standing there in what looked like a foot of water, but I didn't realize they were all standing on the seat around the edge. I had my baby on me in a sling so I couldn't even immediately jump in after him! I had to wait for him to bob up and yell for my husband, who was quite a ways behind us, to fish him out. I'm not proud of those moments, but my kids survived and thrived in spite of my #BadMomMoment (s). 

Share yours for a chance to win big! 

Juggling a career, kids, and family is a 24/7 ‘round­the­clock job that can be overwhelming and under appreciated at times. And a lot of times, those moments end up making pretty hilarious stories. You know, accidentally packing tampons in your kid’s lunch. Reaching for diaper rash cream instead of toothpaste. Putting the left shoe on the right foot. Sometimes you just need a break.

So eff it. No one’s perfect so give up the guilt and be a “bad mom" for a minute. Do a little something for yourself: ditch the PTA and get an ETA on your next massage. Swap the Happy Meal with Happy Hour and down a shot or two. Skip the bedtime story and whip out 50 Shades of Grey. Share your funniest #BadMomMoment for a chance to win BIG.

Watch the exclusive launch of the BAD MOMS trailer starring Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Annie Mumolo, Jada Pinkett Smith, Christina Applegate!

Don’t miss the movie, only in theaters July 29. 

Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way for sharing this contest with my readers.

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