Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i ♥ Faces--barefoot week

It's barefoot week over at 
i ♥ Faces
This Memorial Day was a rough one for Sagezilla.  
She's not a girl who slows down much, and her 
competitive nature made it xtra rough to watch Dad and
big brother go hiking to a waterfall and climbing quartzite
boulders without her.  
The best I could give her was a funky green and black custom 
manicure, kids Motrin, and a lotta xtra hugs.

We still made it fun with binoculars, bug catchers, a hammock 
and s'mores--none of which require 2 working ankles.  
We even managed to hit some trails with our jogging stroller we 
borrowed back from friends we'd given it to.  
Devil's Lake in Wisconsin was breathtakingly beautiful, and was a 
huge hit, despite our mobility issues. 
 We promised to return soon, when Zilla's back on her feet 

The kids both still managed to complete awesome activities 
books to earn cool Jr. Ranger patches. And we even made 
homemade ice cream in our campsite twice, with a ball you
toss around and shake!  

The kids caught, named, studied and released a zillion 
caterpillars.  And butterflies landed on everyone's head 
but mine, despite sprigs of wildflowers the kids stuck in my 
hair to entice them.
There are a lot worse places to convalesce.

Check out other feet featured on i ♥ Faces by clicking this link.

It's a non-competitive week, hence the multiple photos.


  1. What a special time you created for her, even if she wasn't able to go climbing!
    Wonderful post :D

  2. Poor girl, but you went all out to make it special anyway! Those are some fun and funky toes!

